corporate guide

Audio Visual Rentals

Audio Visual Rentals

The indoor house sound system is included in your rental; you can plug media devices, such as an MP3 player, iPad, iPod or computer, directly into our wall outlets located in the Jack Poole Hall, or Wong-Trainor Welcome Centre for music. The Jack Poole Hall has four AV ports — two at the front and two at the back wall. We supply an RCA connector cable for this use. We also include four wireless microphones, and have two podiums with podium microphones available as well.

additional rental fee ($300)

If you have a slideshow, we have two ceiling-mounted HD projectors and two projector screens,  which lower from the ceiling. While you need to bring your own laptop to play a slideshow (we do have HDMI, VGA and dongles you can borrow to plug into our system), our onsite staff will help you set up the AV equipment and connect to your laptop. We’ll leave it to you to set up and start the slideshow, and you’ll need to designate someone to operate slideshows or Music Quest throughout your event.